Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Doctor's appointment today was disappointing, as they all seem to be lately. I'm now a whopping 1.5 cm dilated, and might be in "early labor." I got the order to schedule a non stress test and a biophysical profile before the induction next Friday. Truly, I'm hoping I won't make it that far. I keep saying that, but I've been having some pretty strong contractions (the kind that make me stop what I'm doing) for more than 24 hours now. They just won't get regular. Let me apologize in advance for not calling anyone, or replying to emails or voicemails. At this point, I'm so tired and frustrated that I don't really want to talk to anyone. Even Shawn is pushing my buttons, and I REALLY like him. So, don't take it personally if you don't hear from me until the baby is born. I promise I still love you all.


Anonymous said...

Wish I had some great words of wisdom, but I don't. Just know I'm sending good thoughts and energy your way. I'm Looking forward to seeing the baby pictures as I'm sure you are ready to have the baby and post them!

Kate said... got this! Just keep "The Eye of the Tiger" running through your head.

Carolyn said...

I'm sorry you're feeling disappointed! Just remember what a warm, wonderful place you've made for your baby who just isn't QUITE ready to leave yet. You're just already being a good mommy and making sacrifices. :o)