Tuesday, March 31, 2009

There's Just Something About Babies in Hats

In a Pooh bear outfit her cousin sent her: Going for a walk on this beautiful day:

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Little Better, Maybe?

It seems we may have straightened Emmy's napping out a little. She's done very well the last four days, taking at least one big nap every day, and going down easier. She's also started putting herself to sleep at night in her big girl bed. Shawn and I tell her goodnight and leave, and she does the rest. Very exciting. Now, if we could help her stop rolling out of bed at 1:30 a.m.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Insomniacs, Unite!

Sleep is kind of becoming a big issue at our house. I don't sleep at night, and my daughter doesn't sleep during the day. While I was pregnant, I prayed every day that this child would not inherit my sleeping habits. I prayed that the baby would sleep like Shawn. Well done, Sandi: Shawn can't nap. Is physically incapable of sleeping if the sun is out. Well, not in the morning, the guy can sleep in. Apparently, I failed to take that into account. So Emmeline doesn't like to nap. She'll fall asleep no problem, it's the STAYING asleep that is tough for her. Then there's me. I can sleep until she wakes me...then I'm up, my mind racing. Thinking of idiotic things like the lyrics to a theme song, or the name of someone in my high school French class. Things that clearly don't matter. Grrrr....

(Pic is after the farmer's market on Saturday)

In other news, the time has come to speak of other things. Of ships, and shoes and sealing wax, and cabbages and MY BABY MOVING INTO HER OWN ROOM! It is bittersweet, but she must move on. She is moving into her big girl bed full time starting tonight. I wanted her to be transitioned before I go back to work, and thanks to a kick in the pants from Erin, tonight's the night.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Roly Poly Emmy!

Emmy rolled over this evening, from her tummy to her back! Shawn was with her, and said she did it like she'd been rolling over for weeks. No big deal. I'll see if I can get video of this amazing feat of strength.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Funny Girl

This is a short video of Emmeline's MANY stories. She will talk to anyone who will listen - including the walls, mirrors, pictures of butterflies and her butterfly mobile. We've also been experimenting with cause and effect this week - much to my amusement. She will get so excited that she'll accidentally kick one of the butterflies on the mobile, sending it spinning. Then her eyebrows will go up, and she'll watch it intently, trying to figure out what happened. I've also given her her little silver rattle, and she turns her head trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. I think it's all pretty funny. Coming soon: rolling over? I think it's way too early, but she sure is trying hard!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Busy All The Time

I feel like every time I post here, I talk about how busy we are. But, we really do a lot! Last weekend, we went for a hike at Sky Meadow State Park. Emmeline slept through it, but seemed to like the baby bjorn carrier we busted out for the occasion. After that, we went to Naked Mountain winery, where she continued sleeping. Sunday, Emmeline and I went to the National Zoo with Erin, Ryan, Grace, Connie, Jelani, and Aliana. It was a beautiful day, and somehow, Emmeline stayed awake for the whole visit! (She fit in a few catnaps as we strolled.) She was alert and loved the company if nothing else.

She had another pediatrician appointment last week - Over 11 pounds! She also got some vaccinations, but on the whole, did better than the last round.

We're currently working on independent napping. While Emmeline is a pretty good sleeper, and has no problem napping in her bed, the putting herself to sleep portion of the nap is a little rocky. Gee, I wonder where she got that trait? Shawn and I are working hard on this, although I'm not sure I have the skill set to pass on, so we'll see how it goes. Any tips are welcome. We want Emmeline's transition to school next month to go as smoothly as possible. To that end, maybe we can teach Miss Susan all the silly songs Shawn makes up for Em, such as the amazing hit "Love My Baby." The words aren't silly so much as the voice that is used.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

6 Weeks!

The time has flown by, and Emmy is already 6 weeks old! She has been so many places, and met so many people, I can't believe she's only 6 weeks. Last weekend, she met her first dogs, and could really have cared less. (It helped that Humphrey and Roxie were very nice, and that I was feeding her at the time) She has gone out to several meals, attended church, checked out Eastern Market, and had her first bottle, and subsequently, her first babysitter. She was incredibly well behaved for all of these events. Of course, in keeping with the way things have gone, strangers LOVE to tell me that she is entirely too young to be out of the house. Possibly too young to even be out of the womb in this big scary, germy world. Sorry strangers, but it is NOT too cold to have a little one outside - if she is appropriately dressed! Infants in Alaska and Sweden go outside every day. They live to tell the tale.

After all my worry about her taking a bottle, she proved me wrong and acted like it was something she does every day. Shawn really enjoyed getting to feed her, and now we know she has no food hang ups. This also allowed to me to relax about leaving her with my mom last night for Shawn's and my first date! We went to an amazing Belgian restaurant and had a really good time. The whole night was kind of a grandma gift - Grandma Patsy had gotten us a gift certificate, and Grammy did the babysitting. Thanks to both grandmas!

We finally got a chair for Emmeline, to help with the alleged reflux. She LOVES it, and will sit in and talk to me while I fold laundry or...any number of other activities. (This glorious chair allows me to shower freely, while she sits on the bathroom floor, chattering away.) Em has also started to really love working on her movement mat, watching the butterfly mobile so generously loaned to us by Miss Susan, Em's future teacher. She kicks her legs, and waves her arms, and tells all kinds of tales to the butterflies.