Monday, July 7, 2008

Nuchal Translucency Test

Today Shawn and I went to Arlington for our Down's Syndrom screening thing. Went pretty well, looks like the baby does not have any obvious genetic abnormalities. We like that. The doctor said everything looked normal, but they're going to do some bloodwork too. We weren't really too concerned, but since my insurance covers the screening, we thought we might as well find out.

The most exciting part of course was getting the sonogram done. And, true to form, this baby was quite stubborn and would NOT turn around to face the doctor. This meant we got to hang out watching the baby sleep and roll around for about 15 minutes until it finally decided to cooperate. Shawn was surprised by how much it moved once it was awake. Hands by the mouth most of the time. It was way more interesting than hearing the heartbeat. Now we just hang out and keep waiting while I get large.

As soon as I can figure out how to, I will post the sonogram pictures.

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