Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why? Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me?

Another in the long list of secrets no one tells you, just waits for you to figure out on your own:
While your hormones allow you to hold on to your hair while you are pregnant, the hair immediately starts falling out after the baby is born. Yes, people told me that. What all of my mom friends and the books I read failed to tell me is that when your hair begins to grow back in, you can have matching hair with your infant. I have all of these ridiculous baby hairs sticking up on the crown of my head and by my bangs. Real cute. I can't put a little velcro bow in so strangers smile and tell me how cute I am. I have been secretly stealing Shawn's pomade.


Carolyn, Matt, Madison, and Sydney said...

Haha! It must happen later for you. :) Mine falls out at 3 months and 6 months starts my half-mullet look that looks like Maddie was the one to cut my hair. Actually, at a year, it's starting to do better, and moreso after a shorter haircut to blend it in together - but yes, pomade and other product is extremely helpful!

Kate said...

I don't know, I want to see a velcro bow!