Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Like a Party in My Head

I had a very informative doctor's appointment this afternoon. All good news. The baby is head down, and doesn't have much room to flip. (I know they still can, but it seems like a good chance this one will stay in position.) The baby is measuring exactly right for my dates, so slim chances of giganto-baby. Additionally, Dr. M said I am not dilated at all, but 50% effaced. I know women can walk around for weeks both slightly dilated and mostly if not completely effaced, but I am taking this as good news; slim to zero chance of a Christmas baby, but evidence that I will not be pregnant forever! Yea! Last, I have a scheduled induction date for the 23rd. This is in case it looks like I will be pregnant forever. I said I wanted to go as natural as possible, so we picked as late a date as we could to increase the chances of me going into labor on my own. However, at least we have an absolute guaranteed end date on the calendar. All of this is good news. With every bit of information I get about how/where the baby is positioned, how big it is, etc, I feel better and better about my chances for a normal, natural birth. Whew. Next appointment is Thursday the 18th, so I will post whatever I find out then.

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