Day 1: Cora mostly held it for up to 3 hours at a time. When she was wet, it was a flood. But, she peed in the potty twice, and even pooped in the potty. All of them were flukes that happened because I put her there, not because she told me. THIS IS NORMAL. If you think about how a toddler has to learn to use the potty, there are a lot of things going on here. One is the muscle control to hold their pee, and then release those same muscles at the right time. Another is the ability to recognize the feeling of a full bladder. Third is the ability to recognize that feeling ahead of a relieving it, and the fourth is communicating that to someone, or taking herself to the potty.
Day 2: Wet all day. But here's the bright side: wet in tablespoons. She would pee, stop peeing, then say pee! and we would take her to the potty. This doesn't sound like a triumph, but in light of what I just described above, this is a huge step to have made in just 24 hours.
Day 3: It's noon. She's peed in the potty twice, been wet twice. However, the first time she did make it to the potty, she came barreling into the bathroom where her cousin was occupying the potty, and yelled and signed potty! I hauled Ollie off, much to his dismay, put her on, and she did it! Again, this is massive for only her 3rd day in undies.

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