We had an awesome Christmas this year. Emmeline asked for "lighting up shoes" from Santa, and Jamie asked for his very own bike and helmet. They were not disappointed. We had our traditional Christmas Eve TauTau dinner with the family, and then hosted Christmas dinner at our house. Despite short/non existant naps, the kids were pretty well behaved!
The above was Christmas morning, when I asked them to say HoHoHo while Shawn got coffee etc ready downstairs.
After Christmas, we took a quick trip down to Williamsburg (Wibbiamsburg, if you ask Em) and went to Jamestown. I have pictures of myself and Katie and Alex at various ages holding Pocahontas' hand from the early/mid 90s. This is really cool to me. Oh, and her name is Hocapontas according to my daughter.
On a more general note, my kids are continuing to grow and impress us every day. Jamie is pretty well done with potty training. He tells me when he needs to go about 90% of the time, the rest is me being paranoid. He is still in a diaper overnight, but I'm not worried about that yet. He is a MUCH happier, sunnier guy than he was as a baby, and his language is awesome. He knows the names of about 20 different types of trucks. He loves to read, which we really didn't think would happen. But he is constantly bringing me books and backing up into my lap, saying "read book?" Usually it's one of three books: Tip, Tip, Dig, Dig or Roadwork or Sheep in a Jeep. Occasionally he wants to check out Little Blue Truck, but those are about it. If I'm reading something else to Emmeline, he'll join in, but he never asks me to read anything else.
Emmeline will be reading to us all shortly. I've been saying this for a while, but she is now reading without realizing she's doing it. I will provide 2 examples for posterity.
The other night, we went to District Taco for dinner. She and I went into the door labeled "IN". They had a very separate door for out, located about 7 feet away. I don't know why they are so concerned about this, but there is a definite IN door and a definite OUT door. As I held the door for her, she said "Why is this door only for going in?" I asked her why she thought that, and she said because the door said in, and then pointed at it. SHE DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE SHE READ THE DOOR!
We went to the GAP outlet to exchange some jeans I bought. She and I were standing in line, and looking at the huge wall of reusable bags that are emblazoned with GAP. She turned to me and asked "What does Guh-Ah-Puh mean?" I asked her what she meant, and she said "those bags say gap, but that's not even a word." I explained that gap is a word, and what it meant, and told her I was impressed that she read it. She acted like this was no big thing. IT IS A VERY BIG THING! My baby is reading. I can't believe it.
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