We had Jamie's 6 month check on Wednesday. Little guy is weighing in at 14 lbs 13 oz, which puts him in the 10th percentile! You'd never know it, the way he eats. He has been chowing down on everything (except avocados) we've put in front of him. Bananas, applesauce, pears, melon, sweet potatoes, acorn squash, butternut squash, you name it, he'll stuff it in. He tries to feed himself, poor thing. Doesn't work well.
He is definitely, officially crawling. Tonight, he got his knees up under him, and sort of tried to launch backward into a sitting up position. Didn't work. But, he's getting faster everyday, and I'm getting more nervous that Babies R Us doesn't carry enough gates for our house.
Two little teeth are trying their best to work their way through on the bottom, but no luck yet. Just lots of drool.
Basically, my little guy (or muffin man, or Buster, or small fry, if you ask Emmeline) is getting to be quite the baby. Not an infant anymore. I kinda like it!
Emmeline, for her part, is getting to be such a preschooler, along with the requisite imagination, that I can't keep up. She has a host of imaginary friends, and they all do such interesting things together. I can't even keep track of all the funny things she says.
Her absolute favorite, most loved pastime right now is watching The Sound of Music. I have no objections to this. Is there a more family friendly movie out there? Only bad people at the end, and only bad because we KNOW they're bad. They don't even actually do anything bad in the movie. Em can't quite grasp or pronounce Nazi, so she calls Herr Zeller a Nasty or a Naughty. HILARIOUS. She wants to see the "muppet" part with "old lou" (this is yodeling), and now asks me almost every day what some of my favorite things are and how I can solve a problem like Maria. She loves Captain "Bontrap" and Frau Maria. She's a little caught on the nuns though, calling them "ones" for the fist three viewings of the movie. We're obviously not Catholic. Luckily, because this movie is so long, we often watch it over a week. We watch 30 or 40 minutes at a time, so we really stretch it out. Luckily, I heard through the Christmas grapevine that a DVD version is coming, which is really fantastic since the copy I have is, yep, on VHS! I had to drag out the VCR and dust it off. Still chugging along though.
1 comment:
Sandi, we forgot to tell you that "Sound of Music" was Shawn's all time favorite movie. After Steve died Merissa, Shawn and I went to Kauai for the holidays. ONe night we had reservations at a very nice restaurant in the hotel, but Shawn did not want to go because "The Sound of Music" was on. We talked him into going and we returned to the room the first thing he did was turn on the tv and screamed, "It's still on!" and promptly fell on his bed and started watching the ending with complete bliss. I had no idea that movie genes could be passed down...
"Grand Patsy"
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