Monday, March 7, 2011

35 Weeks

Weeeee! I'm not complaining...this might sound complainy. Apparently pregnancy is boring. For me. I mean, I don't really want to be going to L&D early, or stressing about being on bedrest or anything, but. These doctor's appointments are completely boring. I measure on target, my BP is fine, on the low side, my weight gain is within the normal range. I am both desperately looking forward to having this baby, and thinking that the longer it stays in, the better. Not just for health, also for simplicity's sake. Dealing with one toddler is easier than one toddler and one newborn. Anyway, for now, baby is not making any moves that make me think it's coming anytime soon. I have a check on the 21st, they should do an internal, so I'll have numbers then, and then we have an ultrasound on the 25th. My doctor's office likes to do one at the end to check for the position of the baby, fluid levels, potential weight.
Maybe before this baby comes, I'll get some pictures of my big belly. Sorry guys.

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