We have been so busy this fall. Now that Pretentious Thanksgiving is wrapped up, I can try to be better about posting. Especially now that more interesting things are happening. Emmeline is growing and learning so much, that I have avoided posting because I don't even know how to sum it up. I would have to post every day for a month to share all the new things she's done. She's counting, she's got most of her colors, (just don't ASK her, everything's green), she has learned probably 50 new signs, and is past the parrot stage into saying things that she couldn't have heard, but must have come up with on her own. Her toileting is just about done, she has an accident about once every 10 days or less. She's trying so hard to jump, and loves to walk backwards. She can pour her own milk, can eat a container of yogurt without getting it all over her shirt, and can put on her own shoes, provided they are mary jane style. Emmeline LOVED Halloween and is still trying out Trick or Treat! hoping for candy. 
As for me, I've made it to all my prenatal appointments, and they have all been as disappointing as I found them with Emmeline. At least this time, I was prepared for how BORING these appointments are. I had one yesterday, heartbeat is in the 150s, I'm measuring right for dates, and have put on about 6 pounds. The more exciting stuff happens elsewhere. I've been feeling this baby move since pretty early on, partly because I knew what to feel for, and because things are ...looser? Not sure what the right word is, but I felt this kiddo around 11 weeks. Today was the first baby hiccups. I forgot how adorable that is. And slightly annoying, as I was trying to take a nap during my limited napping time window. But still nice. We have our ultrasound on Friday. As with Em, we won't be finding out the sex, so don't even ask. However, I'm still always interested in what people think we'll be having. I'll try to get Shawn to take a belly picture tonight so you can decide whether I'm carrying low or high, or whatever other evidence it is people use to decide.
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