Emmeline has hit a bunch of milestones lately, although I may be making a mountain range out of molehills, since I get geeky about these things. (It's my job, and she's my kid.) My favorite so far is her newest sign - please. She signs please all day long, anytime there is anything she wants. I think she's signing it the way some kids sign more, like, yes that! But I count it as being polite.
She also went from the phase of "taking things out of things" into "putting things into things" while we were on our trip. Previously, if there was a container with anything in it, those things had to be taken out and flung aside. This included anything in my purse (awesome honey, let's put those tampons back in the purse now), any toy in a basket, all books in shelves, food in bowls/containers. Anything. Granted, this was a way to keep her busy, but a messy one. Then, as we packed up to come home from Buenos Aires, I noticed Em putting shampoo into Shawn's shoe. So, after we boarded the plane, we had about 45 minutes to kill before take off. I found an air sickness bag, and placed a pen top, lip gloss, hand cream, a shoe, and my Petco card into the bag. She spent almost the whole 45 minutes taking the items out, placing them in a neat pile, and replacing them in the bag. Then, Tuesday night, she saw the parmesan cheese shaker I had out from Gracie's visit, and just started putting the toothpicks in - she literally wasn't able to do this activity on Friday night. It took her a while to do all 8, but once she got it, she did the whole group 4 times! I was so impressed. Her fine motor skills kill me.
Of course, with all of this progress toward being a big girl comes the milestone I was really not looking forward to: the Tantrum. I don't mean you take something away from her, and she cries until you distract her with something new. I mean, the full on, screaming, looking at you to see your reaction, hysterical fit. Lucky me, we had one of those for dinner Tuesday night. She wanted nothing to do with the dinner I prepared for her. I ended up leaving the room and letting her cry for a few before I came back in. Hard, but not even close to letting her cry it out back in the day. It's a lot easier when I know that there is nothing I can do to make it better - she just has to get it out. In the end, she ate every bite of dinner and asked for more, please.
Emmeline is getting really excited about seeing other babies, including pictures of babies. She squeals, and grins. When we read one of her books with pictures of babies, she will touch her head if the baby is wearing a hat, or smile if the baby in the picture is smiling.
Physically, she's working really hard on standing. She can hold herself up now for a minute or so without getting tired. Although, I don't mean in the middle of the room - I mean propped on the table, or coffee table or something. I can't honestly tell if she sits down because her muscles are tired, or if it's because she wants to move. Whatever.
It's amazing to think that a year ago, I was weighing my options about being induced, or walking another 7 miles around Tyson's Corner as I strained to feel anything like a contraction. I also was completely convinced that Emmeline was going to be a boy. She's absolutely amazing, and has been from day one!
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