Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa Claus!

Emmeline got to visit Santa Claus last night - and she did really well! She was a little hesitant about sitting on his lap, but didn't cry or anything. However, when he asked me to turn her around so she could see him, she wasn't having any part of it.
The coolest part of all this is that this is the SAME Santa my brother and sister and I went to when we were little, and my uncle went to see him too! I think he looks pretty good for being this old (he's been "Santa" for 63 years!!!)...He is really the TRUE Santa. In trying to explain to Shawn how awesome this guy is, I realized myself how what can be just another holiday hassle for parents can shape a little kid's life. He always gave us little cards with a picture of the Nativity and a Bible verse on the back, would lecture us about making sure that our grades and homework came first, and explicitly stated at every year's "press conference" that he would absolutely not be bringing anyone toy guns, swords or other weapons. Parents with children under 2, who obviously don't have lists, get to skip to the head of the line for the pictures - which, by the way, are not something you get charged for. You can bring your camera, and take your own pictures, or his "head elf" will take them for you. This year, since Emmeline has no list, he provided me with one, and told me to pick out a gift to give my daughter. On the list?
Patience, Kindness, Wisdom, Respect, Consideration, Committment, Willingness and Time. A Santa with ethics, not just some guy a mall hires. He's been at Merrifield Garden Center since the 70s, and our family has been going since then. We've skipped the few years since Alex was too old and before Em came along, but I am so excited to have this part of Christmas back!


Kate said...

You almost forgot that Em now says "hat"!

Patsy said...

I love Santa! What a wonderful and heart-warming story. Oh, and of course, I love Emmeline, too. Oh, and I love Sandi and Shawn....
Grandma Patsy