We attended our first ever bris this weekend, of little Jeffrey Schneibolk! He made it through just fine, as you can see below:
Mercifully, Emmeline napped through it, so we didn't have two screaming infants. I'm not sure how psyched I am to attend another one, however.
After the bris, we went to lunch with Grandpa Tom. Emmeline loved sharing his salad - Grandpa kindly donated a slice or two of avocado to the "Keep Emmeline Entertained While In Public" fund. It was lovely. We didn't do anything too exciting for the Fourth, since babies like to go to sleep well before fireworks begin. We all had a nice dinner over at the Blomases before the fatigue hit.

In other news, our hungry hungry hippo is eating like a champ! She's had so many foods, and so far really likes....eating, mostly. She doesn't care too much for peaches, but has decided that everything else is a go. We're going to start going a little further afield, with pearled barley and millet in the next few weeks (both have lots of protein, a surprise to me). She's sitting up so well we put her in the grocery cart tonight. Although, by sitting up, I mean propped. Not solo. That is not in her repertoire just yet.
Next weekend, we have water night at church - I'll be sure to post pictures!
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