I promise I'm not trying to win any awards. Or prove anything. I committed to using cloth diapers before Emmeline was born. Maybe I've been brainwashed by the Montessori world, or maybe by shows like 20/20 and Dateline. The idea of Emmeline's dirty diapers sitting in a landfill somewhere for 70 years while her poop runs into the groundwater horrifies me. However, it's absurdly difficult to fit cloth diapers on a newborn. And the cloth diapers I had here were all-in-ones, which are so bulky, that virtually no pants fit over them. My memories of the diapers provided by the ONLY diaper service around here were of a similarly large bulk. I was beginning to despair of ever getting her in cloth only to come across a bag of fitted diapers loaned to me by Erin. Grace had long since outgrown them, and I had borrowed them, then promptly forgot about them. Well, they fit beautifully! We've been trying them out in the evenings and weekends, and I LOVE them. I have just ordered enough online to cover her butt for a while. This does mean more laundry for me, and there's an argument to be made that I'm doing an equal amount of damage to the environment by using so much water....but I'll do it. It's not like a day goes by without me doing two loads of laundry anyway. And I will continue to use disposables, just much less frequently. I have to plug these diapers, because I think they're so great: Kissaluvs fitted diapers. They have 2 rows of snaps so you can use one size for a long time (between 10 and 25 pounds!). I ordered two different kinds of covers, so I'll see which kind work better. I'm pulling for the cheaper ones.
In developmental news, Em is trying SO HARD to roll from her back to her belly. She can get up on one side, and then hangs out there for a while before giving up. She's grasping at everything, chewing on anything she can get, and has lots of new noises. 
Here is Emmeline, shocked at accidentally chewing on Daddy's finger. Ew.
See? Onto her side, but not quite all the way over. Someday.
1 comment:
Congrats Sandi on having your beautiful baby!
I have this same musina. I also use cloth diapers. Happy Heiny's pocket diapers, Bum Genius all in one, and prefolds w/ Thirsty's cover. I use the prefolds during the day, and the pocket and all in one's at night simply cause it's more convenient.
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