- I have not taken my prenatal vitamins every day.
- I still drink caffeine, although I have cut back significantly.
- I have slept on my back during the second trimester.
- I have eaten shellfish.
- I have eaten sushi.
- I have eaten lunch meat.
- I have no plans to discontinue eating any of the above.
- I have taken Nyquil (I swear, it's on my doctor's approved list! Why do you think I'm still with her?)
- I have used chemicals that I suspect are verboten (benzoyl peroxide? sounds scary enough.)
- I don't wash fruit before I eat it.
- I may have blinded my baby in utero by provoking early movement with a flashlight for my own selfish pleasure.
I confess this to the world with no reservations, so that when this baby comes out totally normal, other mothers can relax and be ok with the decisions they make every day. OR, so that when the baby comes out disfigured, my conscience will be clear. Either way.
Glad someone finally decided to admit we don't do everything according to the books. I was terrible at remembering to take my prenatal vitamins, not to mention they made me have some "bathroom" issues which sort of helped my forgetfulness.
I would not worry about those confessions... You know what I DID while pregnant and Shawn seems to turn out okay although his sister wonders about that. Can you imagine all the Asian women who ate sushi over the generations? Okay, I admit I did take my pre-natal vitimins religiously, but what about all the other stuff? What about the amount of soy sauce I consumed?
Love, Patsy
This is the best post I've read in a long time! It was a great funny to end my long day! You go girl!
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