For Emmeline's second birthday, I've been writing her a letter in my head for weeks, like I remember Erin did for Grace's 1st. There's probably too much to put into one letter, but I'll try:
Dear Emmy Bear,
You are amazing! You have learned so much, and teach me and Daddy so much. You are kind, and caring, and sympathetic. You love to give hugs and kisses, and love snuggling "on Mommy's belly." You seem to already love your sibling, who's not even here yet, often telling me all about what you will be sharing with "our baby." I love how loving you are! You are so smart, and so inquisitive - I love watching you learn something new. You ask questions all the time about everything. You seem to love words as much as I do, and love hearing new words. You have so many adult mannerisms, which are so precious and mark you out as obviously soaking up all of the things and ways Daddy and I are. I love when you tilt your head to the side, palms upturned, and crinkle your nose to explain that something is "prolly" all gone, or gross, or at Meme's house. You always say excuse me to get by me, and are very polite most of the time. You love bedtime, and ask for your jammies most nights. You make things so easy for me and Daddy! Except for matter how many wonderful, new and exotic foods Daddy and I offer you, and eat in front of you, nothing makes you happier than a "cheese sammich" and some fruit. Which is funny, because you love to cook all the great foods you don't like to eat. You run for your apron and your tower any time we mention cooking, and know what Boiling, Mixing, Whisking, Measuring, Pouring, and Baking all mean. You are such a special little girl, and I have loved every single minute of the last two years!
Love, Mommy