Saturday, February 21, 2009

Invest in a Wet Nurse, Seriously.

The good Lord has blessed me with a beautiful little girl who loves to sleep. She goes to bed sometime around 10 pm, and generally sleeps for 4-5 hours. When she wakes up, all she wants to do is eat, and go back to sleep. Which she does without protest. In case of spit up or the hiccups, the Lord in his wisdom has also blessed me with a husband who has volunteered to be back up - if she has trouble falling back asleep, or needs a little holding, he takes over after the eating part of our night is finished. I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have these two elements contributing to what should be incredible sleep with a newborn. What I seem to be lacking is either a) the money to have hired a wet nurse to wake up with my darling girl in the night or b) the ability to put MYSELF back to sleep when she's so clearly taken care of. Every night, she falls asleep within minutes of waking up (seriously, I'm talking within 15 minutes), and I lay awake. Tonight, I've almost managed to make it to her next feeding. I've tried counting things, I've tried getting out of bed, I've changed positions, Shawn has rubbed my back. The only thing I haven't tried, and I'm getting really close, is my own pacifier.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Reason for Having Kids

The moment parents look forward to, that tells them this has all been worth it, has happened. Well, the first one. I think hearing Mommy for the first time will be one of those moments too. Em smiled at me, not at gas today. How do I know this is the case? I tested it. I left, telling her I'd be right back. 4 times in the course of the day, when I came back after a minute and said hi, and smiled at her, she smiled back! Whoooo! I guess the jury's still out on whether or not she loves Daddy, but I've been confirmed. I'll also see if I can get a short video of her newest trick. She either loves or is terrified of a horsey/tractor noise. You know, when you blow air out through your lips? Grandma Patsy found out that she reacts quite strongly to that noise. It's incredibly cute.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Emmeline was baptized today, and was SO well behaved! She slept for most of the service, and woke up only when Pastor Dave sprinkled the water on her. She had a great time at the party we had afterward at our house.

On Thursday, Em got to meet Grandma Patsy! She was a little cranky at first, since she was ready to nap, but has warmed up to Grandma. They have been having a great visit all weekend. At 4 weeks, Emmeline is holding her head up beautifully and loves to watch people. She is talking and talking, especially to the picture of the butterfly above her changing table. She tells him all her woes, and the good stories too.