Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Preggo Brain Strikes Again
One box of saffron rice, cooked according to directions. In a separate pan, heat a can of black beans with garlic, chili powder, cumin and green onions if you have them. Once the beans are warm, serve on top of the saffron rice. I like mine with sour cream, Shawn likes his with salsa verde. What neither of us like is this dinner made with CLOVES instead of CHILI POWDER!!!!! Hello! How stupid do you have to be to grab the cloves (which admittedly resemble chili powder in coloring at least) instead of chili powder????? I swear.
Friday, December 26, 2008
No News is....Good News?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ultrasound, Take 2
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's Like a Party in My Head
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Baby's Room
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Baby Shower!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Scary Phone Call
In other news, after spending a week in the tropics with a rather large growth, I have determined that I will do anything in my power to avoid being pregnant in the DC summer heat. Sorry Jessica. But honestly, I was miserable, and seemed to make Shawn miserable with my miserablosity. Never again. Of course, as Shawn pointed out when I made this comment to him, since we seem to be SO GOOD at timing our pregnancies up to now...HA. Obviously, you can't plan everything out in advance, but good Lord, do I not want to be hugely pregnant during the summer.
Hoping to take a belly picture this weekend, during our ten minutes of down time, so look for that post soon!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Little Cranky, I Think
I had my glucose screening last Thursday, and haven't gotten the results back yet. The drink didn't taste so bad, it was having to drink it in 4 minutes that was hard. Also in the world of OB-GYN news, I am now at the point of having to go in every two weeks. Woot. Everyone is reminding me that I'm so close to the end now, not much longer to go, better start getting things ready...so why do I feel like I've been pregnant forever, and that there is no end in sight? I'm not tired of it, I guess, just feeling like this is perhaps a permanent condition. I'm starting to get so used to perpetual heartburn and frequent bathroom breaks, that I have a tough time remembering life before. I really used to only pee about 4 times a day. I acknowledge that that probably wasn't very healthy, but I pee 4 times in the night now. Additionally, my belly is now large enough that I'm spilling on it constantly. Food/beverages that used to fall to the floor now fall squarely on my midsection. Cute.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Not much going on here
In other news, I have scheduled my one hour glucose test for the 23rd. I'm kind of dreading it, mostly because I know the drink will be pretty nasty, and the doctor won't let me take it home and drink it before I come in. I have to hang around the office for an hour. On my lunch break. I don't have to fast though, which I know some doctors are making people do. My coworker who is pregnant failed her test by two points, and had to go back in for the three hour blood drawing event. Yikes. I'm hoping to avoid that, and pass it the first time.
All the warnings I had heard about the baby's kicking getting painful have of course, come to pass. It's not so much the actual kicking that hurts, as the location that baby chooses to pound on for 15 minutes at a time. For some reason, my right lower rib is particularly deserving. Never my left side, only right. The kicks aren't so hard, but after 12, the area is a little sensitive. And, of course, the baby's favorite time for the daily kick-a-thon is during nap time. I'm trying to sit quietly with the kids, and talk to them quietly about why they need to lay down and relax, and I'm hopping up out of my chair every two minutes and gasping for air. Really relaxing. Last Sunday, Shawn and I were sitting in church while the choir was singing, and we couldn't concentrate, since my midsection looked like a bad scene from Alien. I knew that at any moment, something was going to come popping out. We also couldn't keep from laughing. Hopefully, this Sunday will be calmer.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Actual Conversation
Shawn: I don't know. Hey, how about like a cloth that I could put over my shoulder, so if the baby throws up, it won't get on my clothes? Isn't that a good idea?
Me: Wow. Did you just think of that yourself?
Shawn: Well, yeah.
Me: Cause I'm pretty sure we're going to get some of those.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First Kick
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Disco Mama
There is the belly, just at 22 weeks. I've heard the womb described as a "discoteque" for the baby - all the noises created by my insides, combined with the relatively dark atmosphere, and muffled noises from the outside. No one informed me that my entire abdomen was going to be a combination disco/mosh pit/soccer field/bongo drum. Between the indigestion, general intestinal issues (TMI), and baby practicing its dance moves/penalty kick/rhythm skills, it's like a party in my shirt! Whoo! I'm not complaining about the baby part, it's not generally hard enough to hurt yet, but the combo effect is drastic.
Also drastic is my new diet. Due to unforeseen heartburn issues, the Gremminger household is seriously cutting back on tomato intake. While this doesn't sound like a hardship, this includes tomato soup (my favorite), pizza, tacos, spaghetti, pretty much anything that has ever been within 5 feet of a tomato. Also on the bad list is orange juice, medium amounts of soda, many fried foods, and most citrus. I can stomach a clementine, thank goodness, because I LOVE THEM. However, this kind of cuts my options for healthy eating down. Actually, upon looking at that list, it kind of cuts my options for unhealthy eating down. Hmm. This would be why I've been so unhappy. I like chicken fingers, tomato soup, soda, and pizza! (No, I'm not secretly 8 years old, contrary to what Shawn might try to tell you) The one benefit - I am totally happy with mac and cheese...
Also interesting: had the first case of internal hiccups this weekend. Despite feeling like exactly what you think it might feel like, I still sat there wondering about it for about 10 minutes. Nobody ever said preggos are very smart. Shawn can't work out how a creature that is not breathing air could possibly have the hiccups, despite being reassured that it is a muscle spasm, capable of being experienced by any animal with a diaphragm. Hiccups have nothing to do with air.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Darling Husband
All of this is my way of saying that I am somehow not surprised that as I sit amidst the baby explosion that is causing my happiness, he is buried in the basement, calmly and completely ignoring me and my stuff. I think he's earned it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Baby Stuff!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ultrasound Results
Happy Birthday Nuri!
Happy Anniversary Connie and Jelani!
Waiting with bated breath for news from the Gibbens!
Turns out August 19th is a very important day in our CA circle of friends.
Monday, August 18, 2008
- I still drink caffeine, although I have cut back significantly.
- I have slept on my back during the second trimester.
- I have eaten shellfish.
- I have eaten sushi.
- I have eaten lunch meat.
- I have no plans to discontinue eating any of the above.
- I have taken Nyquil (I swear, it's on my doctor's approved list! Why do you think I'm still with her?)
- I have used chemicals that I suspect are verboten (benzoyl peroxide? sounds scary enough.)
- I don't wash fruit before I eat it.
- I may have blinded my baby in utero by provoking early movement with a flashlight for my own selfish pleasure.
I confess this to the world with no reservations, so that when this baby comes out totally normal, other mothers can relax and be ok with the decisions they make every day. OR, so that when the baby comes out disfigured, my conscience will be clear. Either way.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Belly Picture
Monday, August 11, 2008
Packin on the Pounds
Today, however, things seemed to have shifted. I weigh myself every morning, at least since I found out I was pregnant. This morning I finally am back at my prepregnancy weight! Whoo! Normally this kind of announcement comes from a woman who has a small child and has been working to lose weight. I imagine this will be the only time in my life I will utter that sentence with the full intention of going on to put on more weight than my prepregnancy amount. Hopefully, things are headed in the right direction. I was getting worried I was going to have to have milkshakes every day...which doesn't sound too terrible, come to think of it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
How Impatient Can I Get?
Since last week, when I read that I could potentially at some point in the future feel the baby move, I've been growing increasingly impatient. Never mind that everything I've read says somewhere between 16 weeks and 20 weeks. If some other lady can feel her kid move at 14 weeks, I'm going to try. So, every day, I try to lay on the couch or in bed and hold still and focus on my belly. Generally, there is not a whole lot going on. Also, I am somewhat easily distracted. I'll be laying there, thinking about the baby, and then realize that I am planning my grocery list instead of focusing. Woops. Today, I got my email from babycenter and it talked about feeling the baby move. That's it. I decided to try something slightly drastic instead of just waiting. Perhaps slightly unethical, but like I said, I'm very impatient. I went into the bathroom and shined a flashlight right up against my abdomen. Apparently, the baby did not care for that. It woke up, and has not stopped moving since. HA! Impatience rewarded.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Business of Being Born
Monday, July 7, 2008
Nuchal Translucency Test
The most exciting part of course was getting the sonogram done. And, true to form, this baby was quite stubborn and would NOT turn around to face the doctor. This meant we got to hang out watching the baby sleep and roll around for about 15 minutes until it finally decided to cooperate. Shawn was surprised by how much it moved once it was awake. Hands by the mouth most of the time. It was way more interesting than hearing the heartbeat. Now we just hang out and keep waiting while I get large.
As soon as I can figure out how to, I will post the sonogram pictures.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Doppler Effect
The upshot of the appointment is that we got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!! Exciting! It was at 152, which Dr. M said is "what we're looking for." Honestly, it wasn't this life altering experience everyone else has said it would be, which was slightly disappointing, but I think I'm getting used to that feeling in the doctor's office. I'm getting more excited about it with distance. Now that I'm thinking about the ramifications of that noise, the reality is beginning to hit me. As Shawn said, "There really is a baby in there. You're not just shifting your weight." This also confirms my suspicion that there are not twins hiding in there. Only one hearbeat. Thank goodness.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So Excited!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Call me Preggo, not Tubbo!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Two Positives and a Negative
So far, it looks like the morning sickness has been kept at bay. I'm eating yogurt again for breakfast, and not gulping down ginger candies. I'm really excited about that.
Something I am not excited about: apparent waist thickening without any weight gain. While this sounds like something not to complain about, my clothes no longer fit properly, and yet I have not put on a fraction of a pound. I weigh myself nearly every morning, and in the 5 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, my weight has fluctuated by 2 pounds, but in both directions. I understand logically that when an internal organ more than doubles in size, regardless of the size of the little person inside it, there will be fit issues. However, I'm having a tough time with the idea that I'm not "heavier," yet my pants refuse to fit. Luckily, Connie has offered me the use of her maternity stuff until such time as she will need it back. If ever. For that, I am incredibly grateful. Since we were roughly the same size pre baby, her stuff should fit me pretty well. I just hope she has stuff for a preschool teacher (read: I hope she has stuff that is easily washed of mashed potatoes, tempera paint and snot.) Can't wait to see her Saturday and Little Miss too!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Little Better, Perhaps?
When I went in for the doctor's appointment, they gave me a big bag of prenatal vitamins to try. This was excellent new to me, since the ones I had bought were NOT working out for me. They gave me something like 15 different brands to try. The best ones so far are roughly an inch long, flourescent blue, and their claim to fame is that I can choose to swallow them (right!) or chew them. I chose to chew them, and let me tell you, I felt like I was 6 again. They tasted just like a Flintstone vitamin! I'm psyched to get a prescription for those bad boys.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Big Appointment...
The doctor also asked which prenatal screenings I was interested in...I'm considering the ultrascreen. That's the one where they take more blood and do a sonogram to check the levels of fluid around the baby's neck. I'm interested to hear from new moms/moms to be if they had that test done, and if so, how they felt about it. I have to decide fairly soon in order to make the appointment.
To try and break the morning sickness I've been having, I stopped by the healthfood store tonight. Yikes. There was a lot of stuff in there I would totally buy, like organic fresh ground peanut butter (!) but there was way more weirdo stuff. Either way, I found real live ginger ale brewed with real ginger, ginger chews, and B6 vitamins. Hopefully, they will help. I can't complain too loudly, because the morning sickness hasn't been that bad. Just a little bit of nausea until I get something in my stomach. My eating habits have totally changed too, and not for the better. I am finding that fruits and veggies are not top on the list. Unfortunately, ramen, mac and cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches are. I'm sure it will get better. And if not, I'll just be a balloon.
Monday, May 26, 2008
An Introduction
In other news, the first appointment is tomorrow. Very exciting. Slightly nerve racking. More about that after the fact.