Thursday, October 11, 2012

Looks like we're riding the Potty Train!

Wow. Jamie is nothing if not determined. He has steadfastly refused diapers since Monday. He's doing great, has stayed dry ALL DAY today. Yes, it's only 3 p.m., but for only Day 4 in undies, I'm feeling pretty good about his progress. I think he was totally ready, and I was in denial because he's a boy! I wasn't expecting this at all, at this age. I knew he was showing some signs that he was ready, but I thought we had a couple of weeks at the minimum. It's always something new with this guy.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Potty Training????

What do you do when the 18 month old picks up his diaper, says No. All Done. That! and points at a pile of underwear?
I gave him the underwear. He promptly put it on, unassisted, and went on his way.
I'm sure this won't last, but it seems we're getting closer! Good news for my wallet, since I won't be feeding my cloth diaper addiction.